Contact me

click to email:

or phone or text:

07429 186 222


I try to respond quickly, and am always willing to chat informally

You can also just

Book a session


12 Station Road, Hampton

TW12 2BX

'The Old Police Station'

07429 186 222

Hours: Monday - Sunday 8am  - 9pm

There is free parking nearby.

You can park right outside after 6.30pm.

A parking space is available on request.

Bikes are safe behind a locked gate.

The 111, 216 & R68 bus routes stop nearby. Hampton Rail Station is 8 mins on foot.

Tea, coffee, & herb teas are available.

My room is on the ground floor.

There is a bathroom you can use.

!2 Station Rd James Earl sex therapy


!2 Station Rd old James Earl sex therapy
Hampton Court Palace James Earl sex therapy


Hampton Court Palace is a 15 minute walk away.

The riverside is 1 minute from the house.